TextXD ‘Law & Society’ Hackathon

Thursday, December 10, at 10:00 AM through Saturday, December 12, at 12:00 PM

BIDS’ TextXD 2020 conference on December 10-12 will feature an all-new, 48-hour TextXD ‘Law & Society’ Hackathon event starting at 10:00 AM on Thursday, December 10. The deadline to apply for the TextXD Hackathon has been extended to December 5.

Hackathon participants will focus on a unique collection of recent datasets that focus on police misconduct and associated public policy issues in California. Read more here: TextXD ‘Law & Society’ Hackathon to focus on police misconduct and data analysis in support of public policy.

This event will bring together an interdisciplinary group of practitioners, researchers, learners, and entrepreneurs who work with text as a primary source of data. The goal of the hackathon is to help participants build responsible data-driven policy narratives that enable greater accountability, and to learn how to build representative models that reveal these narratives to a wide audience. Ultimately, this Hackathon will be a catalyst for developing and cultivating a community around a responsibly curated and publicly-available dataset, which will be released on GitLab after the event.

Participants will be organized into teams, whose final presentations will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Quality/Clarity: Clear Descriptions of Datasets used and of analysis implemented
  • Innovation: Innovative use of various analysis tool & methods
  • Ethics: Ethical Use of the Data, implementation analysis
  • Impact: Compelling application or policy question addressed or recommendation
  • Communication: Overall Quality of the Presentation

The event will conclude with team presentations and an awards ceremony on Saturday, December 12 (at 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM), featuring a panel of distinguished judges including: Janet Napolitano, Professor of Public Policy at Berkeley’s Goldman School of Public Policy, former president of the University of California and former Secretary of Homeland Security under President Obama; and David Barstow, head of investigative reporting at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, 4-time Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, and a former senior writer at The New York Times.

Apply for Hackathon
Adam Anderson
UC Berkeley